
IBS offers a wide range of refresher online courses on a variety of topics in accounting, allied healthcare , and insurance reimbursement processing formats.

IBS offers refresher courses in varies designs formats
small groups
medium groups
large groups
Our goal at IBS online eCurriculums is to provide effective educations learning, solutions, strengthen class or job performance and boost and enhance businesses skill levels and knowledge base.
IBS works with a variety of businesses varying from physicians, outpatients,non-profit organization or profit corporations...
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IBS offers beginner, intermediate and advanced prices, for
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Level 4 refresher course packages.


Staff needs
Possibly Insurance Claims Processing?

Online training is available for business professionals.
Our accounts vary in sizes, so each client gets a custom proposal to match the specific services they need at a price they can afford.

Check out our custom PARTNERS solutions and services.
Our curriculum solutions are tailored specifically to the needs of your business in order to ensure you achieve your desired results.
Whatever your need, if it’s job enhancement … strengthening works performance … We have it...!
Sharpen Key Skill Sets